Tango Underpants was selected for ScreenWest’s 3-to-1 Initiative in 2012.
What Is 3-to-1?
3 to 1 is a competitive program set up by ScreenWest (the Western Australian Government screen funding agency) to support professional, narrative driven screen content for digital platforms that is not reliant on a television broadcast or film distribution outcome. Proposals may be a compelling new web series, an audience-grabbing short drama, an interactive documentary created in collaboration with an online community, through to a pushing-the-boundary experience built to exploit digital mobility, sociability and hyperlocality.
How Does It Work?
For every dollar applicants succeed in raising through online crowdfunding, ScreenWest will add a further three dollars to the budget, from a minimum ScreenWest contribution of $15,000 to a maximum contribution of $150,000 per project. This will require teams to crowd fund between $5,000 and $50,000 to secure ScreenWest 3 to 1 funding. ScreenWest will invest up to $250,000 across the projects – so there are at least a few chances to be part of 3 to 1. ScreenWest will determine how many projects are included based on the quality and quantity of applications.
What Happened At Midday 12/12/12?
On Wednesday 12 of December at exactly 12pm midday, ScreenWest announced the successful 3 to 1 applicants on the Pozible website. Each project included in the initiative promoted their campaign through individual means in a race to the finish towards reaching their financial goals. At precisely 12pm, all the projects involved used every technique and strategy possible to fill their targets quickly. With a $24,000 target, Tango Underpants had a long way to go but amazingly, achieved victory in less than 24 hours!
After a week of final checks and deliberations, it was concluded that Tango Underpants had indeed collected the necessary funds required to be eligible for the 3-to-1 initiative. As a result, the team received triple the amount of their intended target from ScreenWest, leading to an overall injection of $106,000 into the production budget. Tango Underpants would like to say thank you to everyone who contributed to this massive fundraising effort which has achieved some astonishing results. Over the coming weeks, we will be keeping all our supporters up to date through our online newsletter as we head towards the Perth shoot and later, onto Buenos Aires!